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Yes, that sounds about right. A lot of things born in Kansai just don't translate well on a national scale - Ishin, takoyaki, Takajin Yashiki (an Osaka treasure you should look up on Wikipedia). Just heard that a takoyaki stand is going debut at Dodgers Stadium but, um, I'm not too sure octopus balls are going viral at the ballpark any day soon now (though they do go well with beer).

Nevertheless, Harris-san hit on a point I've been wondering about for a while: the chance that Ishin will join the LDPverse. It makes sense. They'd rather do that than team up with the CDP, and they need to do something to shore up their rapidly waning power on the national stage. And in the meantime, Komeito is getting antsy about being associated with a party with so much baggage. The big question is, if and when Kishida will call for elections. Care to make any bold predictions, Harris-san? I know, it's the last thing you want to do, but you could tell us if Shota will keep on wowing Chicago. Maybe Wrigley Field needs some of that roasted octopus.

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